Photo Challenge

Well it was another busy week and weekend!  However, I did finally manage to clean off my full s.d. card.  Now I can stop trying to limp along using my cell phone to take photos.  Hopefully that will mean more frequent posts too!

This week Doll Diaries put out a 30 day Instagram photo challenge.  I saw it on their Facebook page, but couldn’t find it on their website.  It included things like music, bugs, polka dots, and family.

I’m not on instragram, but we thought it woulds still be a fun thing we could do with our dolls.  Our time was extremely limited this week; so we just chose a couple of items from the list (out of order) and knocked them out.  Hopefully our future photo sessions will involve a little more planning.

The challenge for Day 1 was “sky”.  Here we have a photo of Saige against a beautiful blue sky.  We chose Saige to use because of her book title, “Saige Paints the Sky”.


The challenge for day 3 was “friendship”.  This wasn’t the picture I originally took for “friendship”, but I happen to set them down in this position when I was finished photographing them and I thought it was a better portrayal of friendship.  I wonder what secret Ruthie is telling Cecile.


This was the original picture.  Which do you prefer?


We also tackled day five, which was “outdoors”.  Molly is sitting under our orange tree holding a tiny orange that fell to the ground.


Then we moved on to day six…”road trip”.  Molly and Saige decided they should be the ones to enjoy a little road trip.


Hopefully we’ll have some time to take a few more photos this week.  I’m really enjoying the challenge.

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